Chrissy: very bad day.
Of course such a terrible Monday
would follow such a wonderful weekend.
I stayed up to 2:30 AM doing homework.
I woke up late.
Didn't have time to do my hair
and makeup...
I kid you not, my hair looked like a ratted lion's mane.
Got to my 1st class late.
Then in drawing we started perspective drawings.
Which are THE worst.
And I found out that everyone in my class is better than me.
Then I bowled the WORST two games I've bowled since the school year started.
THEN my friend bought me a root beer... and it exploded.
Then on my way home, while I was crossing the street, the handles to my portfolio were ripped off.
Then I tripped coming up the stairs in front of everyone.
and that is how it has come to be a very bad day.

(my picture of me failing at life... and my insane hair, who likes to think it owns itself)
Oh Chrisanne!! Those days are absolutely TERRIBLE!! I'm so sorry! I hope tomorrow is better for you. :) Love you!
Hey, here's hoping today is better :)
Darn! I wish my phone was better so I could have called you!
I'm sorry you had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Some days are like that...even in Narnia.
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