Monday, June 29, 2009

Chrissy: Call me obsessed and you'd be sooo right

Done in Henna!
Semi looks like a really bad birth mark
oh well. 
I like it and so do the little kids at art camp :)

Chrissy: Tradigital (saw that name on someone else's blog)

The first picture was a drawing I did in pencil
and then I scanned it in and did some photo shop with it
hence Tradigital

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chrissy: You should try it sometime

You should try raiding your dressup closet 
and put on crazy stuff
and then take crazy pics with your sister
its really therapeutic.
Clears up a boring day every time. 

Monday, June 22, 2009

Chrissy: Fan art :P

Sometimes I get super nerdy
For a fanfiction about Chronicles of Narnia
you may or may not recognized Peter on the left
and Edmund on the right :P

Friday, June 19, 2009

Chrissy: For Cheri

A blog banner for Cheri to use if she want too.
I had fun with this one :)

Chrissy: Some Illustration

I have a dear little friend (bahaha, anyone watched prince caspian?)
Who's name is Ashlee
and she wanted me to do a little illustration for a little somethin somethin she's writing
It didn't turn out as well as I had hoped.
I think I will rework it later.
She has white eyes cuz she's having a "vision"

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chrissy: A better version

So I really didn't like the character design I did 
of Amarakel 
so I did more of a realistic colored one

Monday, June 15, 2009

Chrissy: Another Header

Look up and you'll see my new header
I rather like it!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chrissy: Photoshop painting

I think I'm getting the hang of this!
This started out as a self portrait originally.
Then I accidentally made up this expression that I couldn't erase
the title for this piece is Disgust
haha love it

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Chrissy: Character Design

Just some fun character designs for 
a little project me and my friend are working on

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chrissy: NEW LAPTOP!

This is my new 15" macbook pro.
I've named him Seth 
and he shall be mine.
He shall be my Sethie :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Chrissy: Kissy kissy

As a teacher at summer art camps 
you come across all types of kids
Some examples:
the kid who always contradicts everything you say
the kid who hates noise ( "everyone's making too much noise. its making me feel weird! I feel weird! SHUT UP EVERYONE!")
the kids who has a SUPER imagination ("and this is the monkey eating the banana on top of the volcano  with the brown swirlys going up to eat him... ect.)
the sweet ones 
The one who thinks that making the teacher angry is a great way to flirt
and then there's the kisser.
This week I'm teaching a little boy who thinks its really fun to randomly grab my arm
and either deliver a very wet sloppy kiss to my arm or shoulder.
Not exactly my idea of a summer love

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Chrissy: For Ash

This is a VERY rough, but unedited and not even finished ramble 
called "First Love"
Ashleigh wrote hers a while ago and I promised her I would write one too
Turns out I don't really enjoy reliving those memories too much :P
But still... I can't sleep so I'll post it anyways.

He was my best friend’s older brother, and I was his little sister’s best friend. We rarely had anything to do with each other the first two years Jessica and I became friends. Which was fine with me, being the obnoxious little 6th grader I was. But then an occasional hi broke our mutual silence. I suppose a hi was required and only polite since I was at their house everyday of my life.

            Soon, however, that hi turned more flirtatious, and dare I say it? But I actually reciprocated that teasing hi. Me! The dorky 7th grader whose braces a frizzy hair was nothing to boast about.

            Then in the summer after 8th grade, when putting on makeup and contacts were now the norm, he hugged me. He hugged me! Wait he hugged me? The simple event only made me blush and wonder why it even mattered. Because swiftly thereafter he explained to his girlfriend, who was standing nearby, that “I was like a little sister”.

              Soon afterwards, however, girlfriend and he broke up.

            Yes! Girlfriend was now out of the picture!

            Wait picture? What picture? He was going into 11th grade for Pete’s sake! No way I was in love with this auburn haired punk.

            That wall came tumbling down, however, when he called me beautiful.

            It was a nonchalant thing. Just a “Hey beautiful” and a surprised, “Uh, hi” from smooth me. 

            Then that was my name, Beautiful, interchanged with Gorgeous of course.

            It made my poor 14 year old face burn every time he said it. Of course, I tried to cover up the fact and successfully (I hope) appeared as cool as he did.

            Then I proposed. The normal way, like most couples. He said, “Hey Chrisanne, will you be my servant?” and I replied, “If you marry me.” And that was that.

            He introduced me to everyone (including my parents) as his fiancé. We talked about which temple we would get married in. What date and dogs. No big nasty Rottweilers, he didn’t want them to eat his future kids. Future kids… the thought made me smile. 

            Then he kind of stopped paying attention to me. Just a little. But it was enough to bug. So I tried to convince myself I didn’t like him. I really didn’t really like him anyways. He just teased me and I played along… Oh help, I realized too late. I was in too deep.

            In my head I always wanted my first kiss to be from him. But, unfortunately, life felt the need to give me the bitter taste of reality. And the fact was: I was just too young. Too young to really flirt with a guy four years older than me, too young to even know what love was. But that didn’t start the heartbreak.

            He went a blind date. Of course it had to be a blind date, go figure. Lucky me. Just as I was adjusting to the new life of high school he threw a curve ball at me. He stopped paying attention to me at all